姓名: |
邓人杰 |
职称: |
讲师 |
电子信箱: |
1275294983@qq.com |
2007.09-2011.06 本科 湘潭大学化工学院化学工程与工艺
2013.09-2016.06 硕士研究生 湘潭大学化工学院化学工程
2016.09-2019.06 博士研究生 湘潭大学化工学院化学工程与技术
2019.07至今 太阳集团贵宾会首页任教
1.主持湖南省自然科学基金项目“H型分子筛催化剂的构筑及其氧促条件下催化二氧化氮硝化芳烃制备芳香硝基化合物”(2020-2022,No. 2020JJ5099);
3.主持湖南省研究生科研创新项目“固体酸催化二氧化氮硝化芳烃制备芳烃硝基化合物研究”(2017-2019, No.CB2017B305);
1.Renjie Deng;Kuiyi You; Wenjin Ni; Fangfang Zhao; Pingle Liu; He'an Luo ; Low-temperatureand highly efcient liquid-phase catalytic nitration of chlorobenzene with NO2: Remarkably improving the para-selectivity in O2-Ac2O-Hβ composite system,Applied Catalysis A, General,2020, 594, 117468;
2.Renjie Deng,Haishuai Cui, Meilin Liu, Wenjin Ni, Yao Tian, Huajie Liu;Nitration of chlorobenzene by ultrasonic-assisted synthesized sulfated ZrO2catalyst with NO2;Research on chemical intermediates,2023, 49, 3029-3044;
3.Renjie Deng;Manlin Zeng; Yao Tian ; Para-selective nitration of bromobenzene catalyzed by Hβ zeolite with NO2and its theoretical studies,Research on chemical intermediates,2022,48, 1095–1109;
4.Renjie Deng,Yao Tian, Huajie Liu, Weiwei Yan; Regioselective nitration of toluene to para-nitrotoluene with NO2over dealumination Hβ zeolite: Comparison of organic and inorganic acids;Can. J. Chem. Eng.;2023,101(3), 1591-1601;
5.Renjie Deng,Wenjin Ni, Yao Tian; A comparative study of the catalytic nitration of toluene over bimetallic Ce-Mn modified Hβ zeolite;Can. J. Chem. Eng.;2023,1, 1-11;
6.Renjie Deng, Kuiyi You*, Lei Yi, Fangfang Zhao, Jian Jian, Zhenpan Chen, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Aiand He'an Luo*, Solvent-free, Low-temperature, Highly Efficient Catalytic Nitration of Toluene with NO2Promoted by Molecular Oxygen over immobilized AlCl3-SiO2.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2018, 57: 12993-13000;
7.Renjie Deng, Kuiyi You*, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu and He'an Luo*, Highly selective preparation of valuable dinitronaphthalene from catalytic nitration of 1-nitronaphthalene with NO2over HY zeolite.Can. J. Chem. Eng.,2018,96(12),2586-2592;
8.Xingfa Zhou,Renjie Deng, Yingdi Zhang, Xulong Wang, Fangruo Zeng, Yao Tian, Huajie Liu; Selective liquid-phase oxidation of toluene with molecular oxygen catalyzed by Mn-TiO2under solvent-free conditions.Can. J. Chem. Eng.,2023,101(7) 4118-4127;
9.Kuiyi You*(导师),Renjie Deng, Jian Jian, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, He’an Luo*. H3PW12O40synergized with MCM-41 for the catalytic nitration of benzene with NO2to nitrobenzene,RSC Adv.,2015, 5, 73083-73090;
11.游奎一(导师),邓人杰,蹇建,罗和安,刘平乐,艾秋红。从苯制备硝基苯的方法,中国发明专利,已授权,授权号: ZL201510474520.0,授权日期: 2018年07月17日;
12.Peng Liu, Kuiyi You,Renjie Deng, Zhenpan Chen, Jian Jian, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, He’an Luo.Hydrotalcite-derived Co-MgAlO mixed metal oxides as efficient and stable catalyst for the solvent-free selective oxidation of cyclohexane with molecular oxygen.Mol. Catal.,2019,466:130-137;
13.Shuilin Liu, Kuiyi You*, Jinyuan Song,Renjie Deng, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He'an Luo*, Supported TiO2/MCM-41 as an efficient and eco-friendly catalyst for highly selective preparation of cyclohexanone oxime from solvent-free liquid phase oxidation of cyclohexylamine with molecular oxygen.Appl. Catal. A, Gen.,2018, 568:76-85;
14.Shenghui Zhou, Kuiyi You*, Hongxu Gao,Renjie Deng, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He’an Luo*, Mesoporous silica-immobilized FeCl3as a highly efficient and recyclable catalyst for the nitration of benzene with NO2to nitrobenzene.Mol. Catal.,2017, 433: 91-99;
15.Kuiyi You*, Zhongcang Zhou, Jian Jian,Renjie Deng, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He’an Luo*. A simple approach for preparation of dinitronaphthalene compounds from the nitration reaction of 1-nitronaphthalene with NO2as nitration reagent.Res. Chem. Intermediate.2015, 41:8307-8315;
16.邓人杰,游奎一,周忠仓,蹇建,刘平乐,罗和安; NO2催化硝化萘制备二硝基萘;中国科技论文。2015(12): 1435-1438;